Pre-Purchase Property Tree Reports

Pre-Purchase Property Tree Reports

Tree Reports for Prospective Home and Land Buyers

Are you in the market to purchase property and thinking about developing? Lizzie the Arborist provides independent pre-purchase assessments for prospecting buyers. These assessments detail the trees on the site and the surrounding sites to give an insight into the possibilities for future development.

Residential – Commercial – Government

Ensuring the success of your next development is most effective when trees on the subject site and surrounding sites are considered at the earliest planning stages. The pre-purchase property report provides:

  • A comprehensive list of all trees on the site and the surrounding sites
  • List of trees that can be removed prior to any development planning based on the appropriate development control plan and local environment plan as set by exemption clauses.
  • Trees are placed into categories based on their suitability for retention and their significance values.
  • Tree protection zones and structural root zones of every tree calculated.
  • Distances (m) from the centre of each tree trunk to future development works that are acceptable per AS4970 (2009) Protection of Trees on Development Sites.

We are the experts in interpreting the legislation, and researching all aspects of your specific site plan, to determine what options are available to you and to recommend the best step forward.

Call us on 0401 301 233 for a confidential discussion on your development.

✓ On-site assessment
✓ Formal PDF Report
✓ Ready to submit

Tree reports provide buyers with the right information to make decisions when buying to develop property and land.

Tree Reports for Development

Pre-purchase property tree reports include:

  • Site specific legislative requirements for trees
    • Biodiversity/Critically Endangered mapped land
    • Heritage mapped land
    • Aboriginal place of significance
    • Development Control Plan considerations
    • Local Environment Plan considerations
  • Tree data table documenting
    • Species
    • Height
    • Crown Spread
    • Diameter at Breast Height (DBH)
    • Diameter at Base (DAB)
    • Tree Protection Zone (area) (TPZ)
    • Structural Root Zone (area) (SRZ)
    • Health classification
    • Structure classification
    • Age classification
    • Safe Useful Life Expectancy (SULE)
    • Significance and Retention Values
    • Location
  • Recommendations
    • Tree removals permitted by exemption clauses
    • Tree retention and protection options
    • Tree friendly construction methods

0401 301 233 /

We are experts in researching exemption clauses to tree permit requirements, local and state legislative opportunities, and tree health and structural concerns!

Common Reasons Why Councils Request an Arborist Report for Submitted Development Applications

  • Native trees, neighboring trees (native or exotics), or public trees are impacted and/or proposed for removal
  • The Development Application does not comply with Australian Standards or Legislation in relation to trees
  • The Development Application did not consider trees prior to submission or the finalization of the site design
  • Large mature trees that are habitat homes for wildlife are impacted by proposed development works
  • Council considers impacted trees as significant (culturally, economically, sociably, environmentally)
  • The trees on your site require protection measures (fencing, mulch, watering, trunk/branch protection, ground protection)
  • There are trees on your site that are not recorded in the provided site survey plans
  • The number of trees proposed for removal (native and/or exotic) is high or higher then the number of trees to remain
  • The site plans provided could potentially be reorientated or redesigned for the retention of trees council considers significant
  • Your site is located within a mapped Biodiversity Zone or Critically Endangered Zone
  • Your site, trees in site or nearby, or existing dwellings are listed heritage items
  • Council requires a second opinion to validate the proposed development in relation to trees

Indicative Stages in Development and the Tree Management Process (AS4970-2009)

  • Detailed site survey completed by professional surveyor indicating all trees on the subject site and surrounding sites within 5-10m.
  • Preliminary Tree Assessment report
    • Discuss tree species, health and structure
    • Discuss the site and any applicable legislation
      • Biodiversity/Critically Endangered mapped land
      • Heritage mapped land
      • Aboriginal place of significance
    • Evaluate trees suitable for retention/removal
    • Provide TPZ/SRZ measurements to guide development design and layout
  • Site Plans completed
  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment report
    • Tree Location Map marked up with encroachments
    • Lists trees required for removal
    • Lists trees suitable to be retained and protected
    • Tree Protection Plan
    • Recommendations

Our reports are written in compliance with:

  • AS4373-2007 Pruning of amenity trees
  • AS4970-2009 Protection of trees on development sites
  • Local Development Control Plans
  • Local Environmental Plans
  • Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)
  • Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 No 63
  • Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995)
  • Royal Fire Service 10/50 & Boundary Clearing Codes

Contact us on the details below or fill in the contact form for a free, same-day, quote!

Lizzie the Arborist
Mobile: 0401 301 233

ABN: 85 603 187 540
